AISCLI is a cultural association whose purpose is to promote interest in cultural studies dealing with the English-speaking post-colonial world. Its aim is to play a critical and informative role locally, nationally and internationally and encourage the valorisation of and research on Anglophone literatures and cultures.

The association, founded in Venice in 1999 under the name of AISLI, works for attaining the following objectives:

  • sustaining research and organising seminars and conferences on topics regarding postcolonial studies and all those disciplines (linguistic and not) that contribute to expanding knowledge of the English-speaking world;
  • encouraging communication between authors, critics, intellectuals, artists and scholars;
  • activating and maintaining a network for the association members in order to be able to communicate on scientific, didactic, cultural and organizational matters, through the website and digital media;
  •  promoting publications such as critical studies, critical editions and translations of texts within the national and international context;
  • fostering the educational impact of cultural studies and the literatures in English on undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate courses;
  • creating connections with high-schools through lessons, seminars and summer schools;
  • developing an international network of academic and cultural exchanges, both in Europe and outside Europe.

For any further information, and to report new publications and events, please contact